Standard Procedures

The topics presented on this web page are those procedures routinely used during the course of performing Periodic Maintenance

Adjustment of Fuel Float Levels

The correct setting of fuel levels is quite important since they affect the timing of when the main fuel delivery circuits are activated. If the float levels are even but lower than specified then the main circuits will be activated a bit late since it takes more airflow past the main venturi to draw the fuel into the main circuit. A late initiation creates a lean transition issue during driving.   Float levels not uniformly set result with the initiation of the main circuits at different engine speeds.  Different main circuit initiations will diminish engine power output and create driving issues since some of the cylinders will be lean and others rich for a given power demand.

Note: If fuel delivery pressure changes after adjusting float heights then the float levels WILL be affected; lower fuel delivery pressures will lower the fuel level in the bowl and conversely.

Float levels need to be read after running your engine with the most accurate readings taken when the engine is fully up to operational temperature. The vibration and constant open/close action of the fuel inlet needle valves will settle out to an actual, running fuel level.  Bench setting float levels is fine for initial carburetor setup but this is a static adjustment and prone to errors in actual running float height settings.  Use a small flashlight to help see fuel level in the external gauge while the engine is running.

Fuel float levels require checking at the 6000 mile interval and it is recommended that a check of the needle valves be performed to be sure they are not seeping fuel when they should be securely closed.  Vibration will cause the float levels to self-adjust which is why checking and re-adjusting is important to maintain optimal engine performance.

Determination of fuel level in the float bowl

  1. With the engine turned off remove one of the two float bowl drain bolts located on the side of the carburetor.

  2. Fuel will begin to spill out of the float bowl so be ready with rags and a catch pan to minimize fuel running onto your engine shroud and other components.  Transfer the retrieved gas to your lawn mower.

  3. Attach the external fuel level vial by screwing the knurled bolt into the threads from where the drain bolt was removed.

  4. Turn on the ignition and allow the fuel to be replaced in the float bowl, you will see fuel rising in the vial of the float level gauge.

  5. Start the engine and allow it to idle for ten seconds to allow stabilization

  6. Use a small flash light to help with observation of the fuel level in the vial.

  7. Weber carburetors are designed so the fuel level is between the upper two lines found on the typical fuel level gauge, remember that it is the meniscus or bottom of the dish shape the fuel forms in the vial that is the proper indication of fuel level inside the float bowl. Lower lines in the vial are for Zenith carburetors.

Adjustment of fuel level in the float bowl

  1. With engine stopped, remove the 16mm hex cap covering the fuel needle valve to be adjusted.  See NOTES below regarding wrench selection and modification for this task.

  2. Use a thin-walled 14mm socket to loosen and remove the needle valve

  3. Based upon the fuel level reading, add shims to raise the level and conversely.  See NOTES below for handy reference regarding shim thickness vs. float level adjustment.

  4. Repeat this procedure for the remaining three fuel bowls.


  • The 16mm brass hex plug is the easiest item to damage in the whole of Weber service so extra caution is advised.  A good quality, six-point, 16mm or 5/8" wrench is recommended.  Optimization of the wrench for this task is recommended:

    • Grind away one surface of the wrench to remove the radius at the hex opening to provide more engagement with the brass hex feature

    • Heat and remove the typical 15 degree bend the handle of these boxed-end wrenches typically have

  • The distance between the two lines on the fuel level vial equate to approximately a 0.010" thick needle valve shim adjustment

  • Floats need to be installed correctly (they may be installed upside down and they need to have correct geometry for proper float action.  See Advanced Procedures for details regarding float blueprinting and installation.

Modified tools for fuel level needle valve. Note that the 16mm tools have had the radius ground away at the hex opening and the box-end wrench has been heated and straightened to remove the 15 degree bend in the handle which is typical for these wrenches. The 14mm deep socket has been ground to reduce its outside diameter for reaching into the well where the needle valve is installed. All tools have six-point, flank-drive wrenching feature.

Bench top float setting procedure

Bench setting floats is not recommended as bench settings will not repeat on a warm, running engine.  However, if it is possible to supply fuel at 3.5 psi to the carburetor while it is on the bench then it is possible to replicate the dynamics of float operation during engine operation.  This is achieved by slightly loosening the fuel bowl drain bolt and allowing fuel to seep thereby simulating the fuel demandof a running engine and the associated constant operation of the needle valve.  Of course this method does not replicate the vibration inherent with a running engine nor the heat load within the engine compartment.  In addition to the drawbacks is the obvious hazard of a large fuel spill on your work bench.

Weber drawing showing geometry of fuel float when specified fuel level is correct. Use this information to confirm orientation of the float in the bowl: specifically the orientation of the tab on the fulcrum arm.

Bench setting is only to be used as a rough approximation of dynamic fuel level setting which is verified on a running engine using an external float level gauge.

Fuel Float Blueprinting and Installation

Fuel floats rarely are found to have geometry that is compliant with Weber design criteria.  Additionally they are sometimes nearly 50 years old and with time and vibration have become somewhat worn as well.  If the geometry of the tab where the needle valve contacts is not perpendicular to the needle axis then there will be a side-loading applied to the tip of the fuel needle which will affect the ability of the needle to seat properly.  Also, the tab will become imprinted with a divot from the force of the tip of the needle valve.  This divot has a unique locational relationship with a particular fuel well and float needle valve, moving the float to a new chamber upsets this relationship and again there will be a side-loading of the fuel needle with resultant seating issues.

The wear item of particular interest is the hinge at the end of the lever arm soldered to the float body.  The inside diameter of this hinge is typically enlarged from wearing due to engine vibration and from reaction forces of float and needle valve loads.

If the floats are serviced and readjusted to return them to OEM geometry then the shim stack for the fuel needle valves will routinely be 0.070" plus/minus 0.010" when the fuel levels are correctly set.

The divot on the tab is easily removed by peening the back surface while holding the divoted surface against a flat anvil.  The hinge axis may be closed around the shank of a small drill using pliers and then resized to have a slip fit with the fulcrum pin on the screw that locates it in the throttle housing.  Adjusting the physical relationship of the various components of the float assembly is a little tedious without a jig but it can be done with a little patience.  The important dimensions are:

  • The top of the float body should be 12.5mm to 13.0mm above the top surface of the throttle housing when the tab for the float needle is correctly positioned

  • The tab where the fuel needle contacts the float should be 18mm below the top surface of the throttle housing

    • This tab should also be perpendicular to the axis through the needle valve

    • This tab should be flat and without any divots on its contact surface

  • The tip of the float needle should be 18.5mm below the bottom surface of the top cover

    • The extra 0.5mm is to account for the thickness of the sealing gasket used between the top cover and the throttle body

    • This measurement should be performed with the top cover upside-down to simulate the needle valve in its closed position

Divot from fuel needle valve on tab of fuel float.

Peen the back side of the tab on the fuel float to remove the divot created by the tip of the fuel needle valve.


Adjustment of Accelerator Pump Squirt Volume

Remove air cleaners and the intake air horns to gain easy access to the pump jet nozzles. Disconnect throttle linkage drop links so each carburetor may be independently actuated. Turn on the ignition and allow fuel to fill the fuel wells. Actuate the throttle lever using a steady and continuous motion until fuel has filled the accelerator pump and all the fuel delivery galleries. Lower the measuring vial (on a short length of wire) and locate it to catch the fuel squirting out of each pump jet as you actuate the throttle lever. Remove the vial and note the injection amount.  All six pump jets should deliver approximately the same fuel volume.  If volumes vary within one throttle body then look for partial blockage in the pump jets or leaks elsewhere.  If the squirt amount is less than 0.7ml then observe the fuel surface in the float bowl above where the inlet check valve for the accelerator pump is located and actuate the throttle lever arm.  If the surface of the fuel in the bowl is visibly disturbed when actuating the throttles then this indicates the check valve is not sealing properly and needs cleaning, rebuilding or replacement.  An insufficient amount of injected fuel is demonstrated by a stumble during acceleration when the throttles are opened rapidly.

To decrease the injection amount just turn the adjusting nut clockwise on the pump rod, this shortens the effective rod length and decreases the amount of motion imparted to the diaphragm in the top cover of the accelerator pump assembly. The amount of injected fuel required varies by engine size and performance potential but typical injection amount is 0.7 ml per nozzle.

While you are looking down the venturis check to see the stream of injected fuel squirts into the annular  space between the main and secondary venturis. Weber provides different pump jets depending upon the original venturis supplied with the carburetor. Long pump jet nozzle lengths were required to clear the small venturi diameters (27mm diameter for example) while shorter ones were supplied with carburetors having 30mm and larger venturis. Obviously the shorter pump jets disrupt air flow less than the longer ones do which helps in the higher performance applications. What you don't want is short pump jets combined with small venturis; the injected fuel will land on the inner wall of the venturi and effectively eliminate enrichment during throttle depression with an accompanying stumble.

Checking and adjusting the squirt volume injects raw fuel into your engine while it is not running, therefore you should periodically activate the starter to at least clear the fuel away; watch out for back-firing and flame-ups if you don't first disconnect the ignition system! 

This procedure may also be performed on the bench. If the top cover of the carburetor is off you may add fuel in the bowl that feeds the accelerator pump (the one with the brass check valve in the bottom of the bowl). Actuate the throttle lever using a steady and continuous motion until fuel has filled the accelerator pump and all the fuel delivery galleries. Take several readings and don't let the fuel level drop and expose the brass check valve or you will need to re-purge the air that is sucked into the system. Measuring the accelerator pump volume on the bench allows for easy correction of blockages and the other issues mentioned above.

Insulin syringe modified for use as a test vial to measure accelerator pump output. Original ink volume indications on the body of the syringe have been etched as permanent indicators.


Lean Best Idle Mixture Tuning - Traditional Method

The Lean Best idle mixture adjustment is the process by which the idle mixture screws are adjusted to provide the appropriate fuel to each cylinder during idling operation.  The adjustment process is simple but requires involvement by the tuner along with a goodly dose of patience.  It is surprising how responsive the 911 engine is to individual optimization of idle air flow and mixture adjustments at an individual cylinder.

Although this procedure may be performed on a mildly warmed up engine it is best to confirm the settings on one that has reached full operational temperature which is 175 F.  These adjustments are dynamic and each engine displays its own tuning characteristics.  Individual optimization of idle mixture at one cylinder will result in a speed increase of the engine which upsets air flow balance and mixture adjustments.  If a cylinder does not respond to adjustment then look to fundamentals like idle jet size, idle jet blockage or fuel gallery obstruction.

The following procedure assumes all preparatory steps provided on the Periodic Maintenance web page have been satisfied.

Lean Best Idle Mixture Tuning Procedure - Traditional Method

This is an iterative and inter-active process where each adjustment affects all the others, this means the procedure for adjusting idle mixtures and air flow balances requires repetition until no changes are realized during the course of adjustment.

  • Disconnect the adjustable throttle drop links connecting the individual carburetors to the throttle control cross bar.

  • Adjust all cylinders to achieve balanced airflow within each throttle body and for side-to-side balance.  Engine RPM may be elevated if necessary to achieve an idling condition from which to work from, this will be adjusted downward once Lean Best is achieved.


    • Balancing air flow using a STE Synchrometer is strongly recommended. This tool provides a metric indicating Lean Best adjustment which other balancing tools do not provide, they indicate air flow balance without regard to air flow rate. Typical STE readings at idle are 5 to 5 1/2 Kg/hr. Higher readings occur when the idle mixture is rich, these high air flow rates are required to supply sufficient air for combustion of the rich mixture. This is why a STE Synchrometer is recommended; they balance air flow in addition to providing indication of basic Lean Best idle mixture adjustment. A rich mixture will cause a lazy return to idle or a high idle RPM.

    • Typical idle fuel jets are 55 for engines up to 2.7 liters where 60 idle jets become necessary. These jet sizes are for typical, street engines with 40mm throttle bores. 46mm Webers or race engines will need different idle jets than for the typical, street driven engines.

    • Rich mixtures indicated by high STE readings may be the result of a few issues:

      • Idle jets may be re-sized to be larger than indicated. A jet gauge set will verify jet size or the shanks of small metric drills may be used as a gauge.

      • High STE readings indicate the throttle valves may be opened enough to begin to expose the first progression hole which also richens the mixture.

      • A high idle RPM with associated high STE reading can be the result of incorrect ignition timing, possibly too advanced.

  • Starting at cylinder #1 turn the idle mixture screw 1/4 turn "in" which is a clockwise rotation.  Turning the mixture screw "in" is a leaning adjustment since the tip of the mixture screw will progressively block off fuel flow into the engine.

  • Pause for a count of 5 to allow the carburetor to adjust to the change. 

  • If the engine speed increases then continue turning the screw in the same direction, pausing for the "5 count" with each 1/4 turn adjustment.

  • If the engine speed decreases then turning the screw "in" is the wrong adjustment so return to the initial adjustment setting and turn the screw 1/4 turn counter-clockwise.

  • Continue to turn the mixture screw in by 1/4 turn increments, pausing for the "5 count" after each adjustment and the engine speed will begin to drop.  This is confirmation that the fuel delivery has reached the "Lean Best" adjustment and further adjustments have upset the ideal mixture setting.

  • Return that mixture screw to its previous setting and then add 1/4 more turn counter-clockwise, this is the "Lean Best" position of that mixture screw for this iteration of tuning.

  • Repeat this procedure for the remaining cylinders.  If the engine idle speed increases (it will) then you will need to re-adjust idle speed stop screws to bring the engine speed back down to idle RPM and check side-to-side STE readings for parity and adjust as necessary.  This resetting of idle speed stop screws WILL affect idle mixture screw adjustments so a repetition of "Lean Best" adjustments WILL be required for all cylinders.

  • After adjusting all six mixture screws you will need to revisit all of them but the next round of adjustments will be minor.  Be sure to take your car for a test run to get it up to operational temperature before performing the next set of Lean Best mixture adjustments.


  • If a cylinder cannot be made to go lean and stop firing or if you cannot get the cylinder to fire at all then there is an issue that warrants further investigation prior to continuance of the procedure.  Failure to fire may be due to blockage of the idle jet or obstruction within the fuel gallery.  It could also be due to excessive fuel flowing into that cylinder.  This could be due to an improperly seated idle jet (early throttle body using a late-style idle jet holder), overly large idle jet or blocked idle air correction jet.

  • The idle mixture is correct for a particular cylinder when one half of a turn of the idle mixture screw in the clockwise direction results in a drop of engine speed.

  • If a barrel is spitting back through the intake then this implies a weak mixture strength.  If the Lean Best adjustment has been performed and the spitting continues then this may be due to uncontrolled air entering the cylinder due to loose throttle plate journals or a worn throttle plate.

  • Idle mixture screws will typically be around 1 3/4  to 2 1/2 turns open but if 3 1/2 turns on one cylinder makes your engine happy then that is OK  but if all six are open to that amount then you may need to increase your idle jet size.

  • Carburetors that are worn may respond to performing Lean Best idle adjustments at a higher engine speed such as 1200 RPM.

  • Lean Best adjustment may cause the engine to suddenly increase as much as 400 RPM which is the result of the mechanical advance mechanism in the distributor activating.  If you cannot return engine speed to 900 RPM with the  idle speed stop screws then perform Lean Best adjustments at an elevated idle speed of 1200 RPM and when finished return the idle speed to 900 RPM and check side-to-side air flow balance before declaring the process completed.

  • Lean Best adjustment is satisfied when adjusting any mixture screw 1/2 turn clockwise results in a decrease in engine idling RPM

  • Those tuning IDTP Webers will be working with mixture screws having a tip with a needle like end followed with a short cylindrical body before the threads start.  All other mixture screws for the Webers have a continuously tapered tip.  The IDA mixture screws are far easier to use since fuel flow incrementally changes with screw adjustment but the IDTP screws provide little finesse in idle mixture adjustment.

Idle mixture screws. The IDTP is the upper screw and the IDA is the bottom screw. It should be obvious why the IDA is better for incremental mixture adjustment.


Lean Best Idle Mixture Tuning - Colortune Method

Like the Traditional method of adjusting Lean Best as discussed above the goal of the Colortune Method is to optimize fuel delivery to the engine during idling operation.  The difference between these two methods is the Traditional method relies upon the tuner to "listen" to the engine response to mixture screw adjustments and the Colortune method allows the tuner to "see" the response in each cylinder.  The down side of this method is that it requires shuffling the Colortune tool from cylinder to cylinder before an adjustment may be made.  The upside is that the ability to see the result of mixture change is much more precise than the Traditional method provides.

The Colortune is no substitute for an AFR meter nor is it good for making driving observations of mixtures.  It does, however provide wonderful diagnostic information regarding the health of combustion in a cylinder.  You can see the spark and see the strength of mixture during combustion; both are essential for idling and the Colortune allows for instant verification of each.

With a little practice you can come to correlate audible engine responses to the visual display of combustion efficiency within the cylinder.  This may be of some use in the future to help expedite the Lean Best tuning process using the Traditional method.

The Colortune tool is a temporary replacement spark plug and has a "window" around the center electrode instead of the opaque, white ceramic one.  This window allows the tuner to see the color of combustion within the cylinder while the engine is idling.  In simple terms, a yellow color indicates richness and a blue color is displayed when mixture is completely burned during combustion which is the Lean Best condition being sought.  Also, the Colortune provides supplemental diagnostics but these are left to the owner to investigate.


Lean Best Idle Mixture Tuning Procedure - Colortune Method

This is an iterative and inter-active process where each adjustment affects all the others, this means that the procedure for adjusting idle mixtures and air flow balances will need to be repeated until no changes are realized during the course of adjustment.

  • Disconnect the adjustable throttle drop links connecting the individual carburetors to the throttle control cross bar.

  • Starting at cylinder #1  remove the sparkplug and install the Colortune tool and attach the high tension lead to the tool and to the plug wire from the distributor.

  • Start the engine and allow it to come to steady-state idling condition.

  • Adjust all cylinders to achieve balanced airflow within each throttle body and for side-to-side balance.  Engine RPM may be elevated if necessary to achieve an idling condition from which to work from, this will be adjusted downward once Lean Best is achieved.

  • Use the mechanic's mirror to see down the passageway so that the window in the Colortune in cylinder #1 is in view.

  • Observe the color of combustion within the cylinder and adjust the mixture screw counterclockwise until a definite yellow color is observed.

  • Turn the idle mixture screw "in" which is a clockwise rotation using a 1/4 rotation.  Turning the mixture screw "in" is a leaning adjustment since the tip of the mixture screw will progressively block off fuel flow into the engine.

  • Pause for a count of 5 to allow the carburetor to adjust to the change. 

  • The idea is to adjust from a definitely yellow condition to that of a definitely blue condition and then open the screw so that you are seeing the mix of colors yellow and blue during combustion.

  • This is the "Lean Best" position of that mixture screw for this iteration of tuning.

  • Repeat this procedure for the remaining cylinders.  If the engine idle speed increases (it will) then you will need to re-adjust idle speed stop screws to bring the engine speed back down to idle RPM and check side-to-side STE readings for parity and adjust as necessary.  This resetting of idle speed stop screws WILL affect idle mixture screw adjustments so a repetition of "Lean Best" adjustments WILL be required for all cylinders.

  • After adjusting all six mixture screws you will need to revisit all of them but the next round of adjustments will be minor.  Be sure to take your car for a test run to get it up to operational temperature before performing the next set of Lean Best mixture adjustments.

Two Colortune tools. The lower image shows the Colortune and its high-tension lead placed into a custom installation tool which is a 16mm socket with an extension tube silver-soldered to it. The high tension lead passes through the tool which facilitates installation and removal of the Colortune tool.



  • If a cylinder cannot be made to go lean and stop firing or if you cannot get the cylinder to fire at all then there is an issue that warrants further investigation prior to continuance of the procedure.  Failure to fire may be due to blockage of the idle jet or obstruction within the fuel gallery.  It could also be due to excessive fuel flowing into that cylinder.  This could be due to an improperly seated idle jet (early throttle body using a late-style idle jet holder), overly large idle jet or blocked idle air correction jet.

  • The idle mixture is correct for a particular cylinder when a half of a turn of the idle mixture screw in the clockwise direction results in a drop of engine speed.

  • If a barrel is spitting back through the intake then this implies a weak mixture strength.  If the Lean Best adjustment has been performed and the spitting continues then this may be due to uncontrolled air entering the cylinder due to loose throttle plate journals or a worn throttle plate.

  • Idle mixture screws will typically be around 1 3/4  to 2 1/2 turns open but if 3 1/2 turns on one cylinder makes your engine happy then that is OK  but if all six are open to that amount then you may need to decrease your idle jet size.

  • Carburetors that are worn may respond to performing Lean Best idle adjustments at a higher engine speed such as 1200 RPM.

  • Lean Best adjustment may cause the engine to suddenly increase as much as 400 RPM which is the result of the mechanical advance mechanism in the distributor activating.  If you cannot return engine speed to 900 RPM with the  idle speed stop screws then perform Lean Best adjustments at an elevated idle speed of 1200 RPM and when finished return the idle speed to 900 RPM and check side-to-side air flow balance before declaring the process completed.

Tips for using the Colortune Tool:

  • Use a countersink (a short drill used for drilling recesses for the heads of wood screws in cabinets) to bore an internal taper into the end of the tip of the high tension lead that screws onto the threaded stud in the end of the Colortune tool; it really helps to guide it on

  • Forget about using the plastic tube and its integral mirror as supplied with the tool; get a mechanic's inspection mirror with a proper mirror on its end.  Note: Be sure there is electrical insulation on the tool since you are subject to electrical shock if the spark intended for the spark plug jumps to the inspection wand handle.

  • If the Colortune tool falls out of the spark plug socket you use for installation then use a magnetic tipped mechanic's wand to retrieve it.

  • If you have an OEM Porsche spark plug tool then you can install the high tension lead directly onto the Colortune tool so that you can keep it in-place during installation.

  • Clean the viewing window of the Colortune tool with acetone or other solvent and a little brush


STE Air Flow Meter Helps Verify Lean Best Idle Mixtures

STE readings between 5 and 6 Lean Best has been achieved, the smaller number is for 2.0 liter engines and larger air flow readings are for larger engines.  High STE readings such as 7.0 indicate the engine's requirement for sufficient air for combustion of the delivered fuel; excessively rich idle mixtures require larger throttle plate openings to provide the requisite air for combustion which results in high STE readings.  Air flow tuning aids using an adjustable orifice (Unisyn) to adjust indicated air flow readings do not provide the constant baseline like the STE does, the adjustable orifice air flow gauges will allow for air flow balancing but will not ferret out excessively opened throttle plates and the associated over-rich idle mixture adjustments they mask.

After achieving Lean Best on your engine record the STE reading as a reference for future tuning efforts.


Adjusting Air Flow Balance at 3000 RPM

This procedure quickly sets the side-to-side, air flow balance at 3000 RPM and at idle.

Assumption: Throttle cross bar blueprinting has been performed; see Advanced Procedures for details. 

  1. Adjust cross bar mounting brackets (attached to inner sides of the intake manifolds) so the drop links just slip over the 8mm ball studs on the throttle lever arms and tighten the bracket mounting bolts to snug tightness.  Note: DO NOT adjust the lengths of the drop links; adjust the brackets to get the drop links to just slip over the ball studs WITHOUT upsetting idle speed!

  2. Control engine speed using the front-to-rear throttle rod that connects the bell crank to the throttle cross bar; this is important since controlling the throttle position by hand in this fashion replicates how the throttles are actuated while driving.  Alternately get a helper to run the throttles using the throttle pedal inside the car.

  3. Hold the engine speed at 3000 RPM and while doing so use your STE air flow meter to determine air flow on cylinders #1 and #4.

  4. If the STE readings do not match then use a plastic hammer to advance or retard throttle timing by striking the throttle cross bar mounting plates (snug tight, remember?) so they rotate in a fore and aft direction.

  5. Allow the engine to return to idle speed and verify air flow balance for cylinders #1 and #4 are still matched.

  6. Tighten the nuts securing the cross bar mounting brackets and recheck for side-to-side balance.

Mounting bracket for support of throttle cross bar. By just snugging the hex nuts, the top of the bracket may be tapped forward and rearward to facilitate side-to-side air flow balancing between the Webers without adjusting drop links.



Measuring Fuel Pressure

Weber IDA3C carburetors are designed for fuel delivery pressure of 3.56 psi at the fuel inlet fittings.   It is not adequate to assume OEM or any other fuel pump will actually deliver the specified pressure.  Excessive fuel pressure may flood your carburetors with results such as engine fires or hydro-locked cylinders (flooded with fuel which prevents engine from turning over).  Any fuel delivery pressure from 3.0 to 4.0 psi is acceptable with 3.56 psi being the best pressure to assure quick fuel delivery and float level accuracy.  This fuel pressure should be checked on a warmed-up, running engine since fuel pressure will vary with voltage variation and voltage will be higher on a running engine when the charging system is active.  If you use a performance fuel pump then it is highly recommended that a fuel pressure regulator be installed to assure a constant output pressure regardless of pressure variations of the pump.

It is important to know your pressure indicating gauge is working correctly/accurately when performing these checks to preclude false readings, low cost gauges provide accuracy commensurate with their cost.  The pressure gauge I have come to use is a converted blood pressure gauge or "sphygmomanometer".  These are readily available for low cost on eBay and with a couple of adapter fittings they become an ideal test pressure gauge. 

It is not important to have a fuel gauge permanently installed into your fuel lines but having an easily accessed port is handy when Periodic Maintenance is performed and you want to check fuel pressure.  Also, the constant vibration will damage the mechanical components within the gauge rendering them unreliable for reading accuracy. 

Sphygmomanometer modified for use during periodic maintenance. 185mm Hg is equivalent to 3.56 PSI which is the Porsche specification for fuel delivery pressure.